International Japanese Studies: Annual Report No. VI
International Japanese Studies: Annual Report No. VI
Edited by Hosei University Research Center for International Japan-Studies, published in 31st March 2009
<Table of Contents>
Research Article (pp. 3-148)
Auguste Comte selon Ikutaro Shimizu: Une lecture de la sociologie comtienne faite par un sociologue japonai, pp. 3-19.
Report on the results of a survey of Chinese research on Japan and Japanese culture, pp. 21-37.
The straight emperor: what the emperor was for the Edo period, pp. 39-61.
FUKU Hiromi
A comparison of the place names on the map of the Ryukyu kingdom in Haedong jegukgi and those in the songs of Omoro soshi, pp. 63-108.
A comparative study of the structure of village communities of mountain tribes: comparing Guizhou and Toraja, pp. 109-148.
Research Article of Young Researchers (pp. 151-224)
PENN Setharin
The concept of “offering” in Cambodian and Japanese culture: through Jataka tales, pp. 151-164.
Peaches in the Kojiki, pp. 165-179.
OH Hye Kyung
Expressive techniques in the experimental animations of Tezuka Osamu, pp. 181-202.
KIM Hyun Hee
‘Home’ in Abe Kobo’s literature, pp. 203-224.
Reports from Research Teams (pp. 227-242)
Miscellaneous Report (pp. 245-263)
International Japanese Studies is available online.