News List

2017/04/24 Announcement: Administration Office of the HIJAS will close temporary on 2-7 March 2017.
2017/04/21 (日本語) 【開催報告】「周恩来総理と日本」共催講座(2017.4.17)
2017/04/01 Staff List is renewed on 1st April 2017.
2017/03/22 Announcement: HIJAS’ Webiste Is Renewed
2017/03/07 Report for the Research Meeting “Importation and Acceptance of PR after the War Period”
2017/02/27 Report for the Research Meeting “Nitobe Inazo and His Activites Seen from a Point of View of Public Diplomacy”
2017/02/08 The Research Meeting “Importation and Acceptance of PR after the Post-War Period” Will Be Held on 6th March 2017
2017/02/06 The Research Meeting “Nitobe Inazo and His Activites Seen from a Point of View of Public Diplomacy”
2017/01/23 Report for the Award Ceremony and the Lecture for the “2nd Professor Josef Kreiner Hosei University Award for International Japanese Studies”
2017/01/20 The Kreiner Award
2017/01/20 Call for Application for the “3rd Professor Josef Kreiner Hosei University Award for International Japanese Studies”
2017/01/11 Report for a Seminar “A Crossing Point of International Japanese Studies and International Chinese Studies: A Research on the Faith for King Yu in Japan”
2016/12/22 The Award Ceremony and Lecture for the “2nd Professor Josef Kreiner Hosei University Award for International Japanese Studies”
2016/12/21 Announcement: 2016/2017 Winter Holidays of the HIJAS
2016/11/14 Report for the International Symposium “Man and Nature in Japan” (Alsace Symposium 2016) is available.