News List

2018/06/05 Report of the EToS’ Research Meeting “Symbol and Reconstruction” Is Available.
2018/05/30 HIJAS’ Open Research Meeting Series (1) “A Letter from Cambodia to Japan in the 17th or 18th Century: Based on “Diplomatic Documents” Edited by Kondo Juzo”
2018/05/29 Staff List is renewed on 29th May 2018.
2018/05/29 Report of EToS’ Special Talk Session “Talking Nippon, Talking Edo” Is Avaiable.
2018/05/22 EToS’ Research Meeting “Research on Famous Places of Edo-Tokyo” will be held on 23rd June 2018.
2018/05/16 EToS’ Research Meeting “Symbol and Reconstruction” Will Be Held on 31st May 2018
2018/05/14 Staff List Is Renewed on 21st May 2018.
2018/04/27 (日本語) 【募集中】2018年度 若手研究者研究論文(2018年12月7日(金) 提出締切)
2018/04/25 (日本語) 【研究所訪問】上海交通大学日本研究センター長 季衛東氏の本研究所訪問(2018.3.31)
2018/04/25 (日本語) 【お知らせ】2018年度ゴールデンウィーク期間中 事務室閉室のお知らせ
2018/04/01 Staff List is renewed on 1st April 2018.
2018/03/27 Announcement: EToS’ Special Talk Session “Talking Nippon, Tanling Edo”
2018/02/01 Announcement: International Symposium “New Edo-Tokyo Research: Relativizing Modernity for Redefining the Future of Cities”
2018/01/11 (日本語) 【開催報告】<日本の「混成文化」――禹王信仰を通して>講座(2017.12.15)
2018/01/10 (日本語) 【研究所訪問】韓国東北アジア歴史財団員 禹成玟さんの研究所訪問(2017.11.13)