Report of the 2nd Research Meeting of East Asia Culture Research Meeting of 20142014/05/30

Report of the 2nd Research Meeting of East Asia Culture Research Meeting of 2014

Date: 28th May 2014

Time: 18:30-20:30

Venue: Hosei University Boissonade Tower 25th Floor Conference Room B, Hosei University Ichigaya Campus

Speaker: Kiyotada Tsutsui (Professor, Teikyo University)

Theme: Showa Restoration Movements and Pan-Asianism

Chair: Ming Wan (Professor, Hosei University Research Center for International Japanese Studies)

Executive Summary
In this meeting, Professor Dr. Kiyotada Tsutsui of Teikyo University discussed relationship between Pan-Asianist or nationalists of Japan, including Mitsutaka Kametaro, Kita Ikki and Okawa Shumei, and Asian countries, espacially China. And he also analysed the strudture of the Showa Restration Movement based on the human relationship such ideoloques and military officers.
