Report of the 2nd Research Meeting of Research Approach (4) of 20142014/12/23

Report of the 2nd Research Meeting of Research Approach (4) of 2014

Date: 19th December 2014

Time: 18:30-20:30

Venue: Hosei University Ichigaya Campus, ’58 Building 2F Research Center for International Japanese Studies Seminar Room

Speaker: Nicolas Mollard (Senior Lecturer, University of Geneva)

Theme: Aspects of an “Author” of Japan in the 19th Century

Discussant: Nobuaki Nakamaru (Professor, Hosei University)

Chair: Shin Abiko (Professor, Hosei University)

Executive Summary
In this research meeting, Mr. Nicolas Mollard examined aspetcs of an “author” of Japan in the 19th century and Professor Nobuaki Nakamaru took a role of discussant for Mr. Mollard.
