Call for Applications for the “11th Professor Josef Kreiner Hosei University Award for International Japanese Studies”2024/12/06

Call for Applications for
the “11th Professor Josef Kreiner Hosei University Award for
International Japanese Studies”

▲Application guidelines in PDF

1. Purpose
HIJAS holds several academic awards to invigorate the field of International Japanese Studies. The “Professor Josef Kreiner Hosei University Award for International Japanese Studies” is for emerging scholars residing outside of Japan. In 2015 HIJAS launched an academic award to publicly celebrate Professor Josef Kreiner in his remarkable academic efforts to promote Japanese studies in Europe and at our institute. We welcome the nomination of publications (books, refereed journal articles, original chapters in an edited book) from emerging scholars residing anywhere outside of Japan. Every year we invite awardees to Hosei University for an award ceremony.

2. Eligibility and Theme
(1) Eligibility
➢ Scholars whose academic work focus on Japan.
➢ Scholars who are under 45 years of age (by the time of application).
➢ Applicants need to either reside outside of Japan or who is affiliated with institutions outside of Japan.
➢ Past awardees are not eligible to apply for the second time.

(2) Topics and Theme
a. Outstanding works focusing on Japan in the field of humanities or social sciences.
b. Research using the database of Japanese Buddhist Art in European Collections (*JBAE).

3. Selection Criteria and Guidelines
(1) Criteria
Works that matches all the following criteria will be fully considered for the award:
➢ Scholarly published writings – books, refereed journal articles, original chapters in an edited book, (dissertations not eligible).
➢ Works published after January 1st, 2023 (based on copyright year).
➢ Books and articles can be written either in English or in Japanese.
➢ If the paper is co-authored, the applicant must be the lead author of the manuscript and provide a statement detailing each co-author’s relative contributions.

(2) Submission Guidelines
Please include the following with your submission:
➢ A cover letter with a summary of your work (1-2 pages).
➢ Curriculum Vitae (including your name, contact, year of birth, current and past positions, list of publications, awards, etc.)
➢ A copy of your work for consideration.

(3) Deadline
➢ The application must reach us no later than Monday, June 30th, 2025. [*JST]
➢ Please send all the required documents to:
➢ Please state “Application for the Hosei University Award for International Japanese Studies” in the Subject of your email.
➢ Please convert your documents to PDF and send them to the above email address either as an attachment (maximum 6 MB) or through online storage services.

➢ If you wish to send the application by post, please send them to the following address:
[Mailing Address]
Hosei University Research Center for International Japanese Studies
2-17-1 Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8160, JAPAN
The applicant should write in Red on the front of the envelope “Application for the Hosei University Award for International Japanese Studies.”

An article or book sent as part of the application will not be returned to the applicant.
Personal information written in the application will be properly disposed.

4. Selection Process
All submitted works will be reviewed by the selection committee (in principle, composed of at least three members) . Then, the faculty committee of HIJAS will make the final decision.

5. Recognitions
➢ HIJAS will send an announcement of the result to the successful applicant, and publish the chosen applicant’s name and summary of the work on the official website of HIJAS.
➢ HIJAS will invite the award winner to a presentation ceremony held in Japan on a convenient day before the beginning of March 2026. The total expense consisting of a round trip flight ticket (economy class), city transportation from the airport upon arrival in Japan to the place of stay in Japan, and accommodation in Japan (for three nights) will all be covered by HIJAS.
➢ If the winning book or article is co-authored, only the first author (i.e., applicant) will be invited to the ceremony.
➢ The award winner will make a speech at HIJAS on the basis of selected work.
➢ The award winner will receive 100,000 Japanese Yen (after tax) as an additional prize.
➢If the award winner is unable to travel to Japan due to unavoidable reasons, presentation ceremony and speech will be held online, and an additional 50,000 Japanese Yen (after-tax) will be given as an exchange for the transportation cost.

6. Contact
If you have any inquiries about the award, please contact us at [ ]
Hosei University Research Center for International Japanese Studies.

▶Past Winners of The “Professor Josef Kreiner Hosei University Award for International Japanese Studies
