International Symposium 2010

International Symposium 2010: Japan’s Identity ? Formation and Reaction

Date: 31st October to 2nd November 2010

Venue: Centre Europeen d’Etudes Japonaises d’Alsace (CEEJA)

Organaized by Hosei University Research Center for International Japanese Studies(HIJAS), Centre Europeen des Etudes Japonaises d’Alsace(CEEJA), UMR 8155 ‘Centre de recherche sur les Civilisations de l’Asie Orientale’ (CRCAO), and Universite Marc-Bloch de Strasbourg

Schedule of symposium

<31st October>

9:00 Inauguration of symposium

9:30 Hans Dieter OELSCHLEGER (University of Bonn, Germany)

Ethnology, Colonialism and National Identity in Japan:Some Remarks on Their Systemic Relationship
10:15 Rosa CAROLI (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy)

Identities in Conflict: ‘Okinawa’ in Yanagita Kunio and Iha Fuyu ’s discourses
11:15 PAI Hyung Il (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)

Photography and Travel Guides to Chosen: Imperialists Nostalgia and Representations of the ‘Conquered Other’
13:30 WANG Xiuwen (Dalian City University of Inter-Ethnic Studies, China)

Masculinization of China-born Tango no Sekku in Japan
14:15 Josef KREINER (HIJAS, Hosei University, Japan)

The contribution of ethnology and folklore studies to the question of Japan’s identity
15:15 Yusuke SUZUMURA (HIJAS, Hosei University, Japan)

Ishibashi Tanzan’s ‘Small Japan Policy’ and his notion of Japan in the interwar period
16:00 Discussion “Japan’s Identity in relation with neighbouring cultures”

Moderator: Josef KREINER

<1st November>

9:00 OGUCHI Masashi (Hosei University, Japan)

On the Origin and the Meaning of the Name “Nippon or Hinomoto”
9:45 KOBAYASHI Fumiko (Hosei University, Japan)

Japan qualified as a country of ‘mildness’
10:45 Annick HORIUCHI (Paris-Diderot University, France)

Construction d’un imaginaire national a Nagasaki au tournant du XVIIIe siecle ? a travers les ecrits de Nishikawa Joken (1648-1724)
11:30 Timon SCREECH (SOAS, University of London, UK)

Bones and Japanese Identity
14:00 Josef KYBURZ (UMR8155, France)

From Aizawa Seishisai’s vision of Christianity to State Shinto
14:45 KAWADA Junzo (Institute for the Study of Japanese Folk Culturem, Kanagawa University, Japan)

The Restoration of Meiji: An Invented Return
15:45 Christiane SEGUY (CEEJA, University of Strasbourg, France)

Press and State Identity in Early Meiji Japan
16:30 Discussion on the theme of The Shaping of Japan’s Identity in Response to Foreign Influence

Moderator: Timon SCREECH

<2nd November>

9:00 SHIMADA Shingo (Heinrich-Heine-University Duesseldorf, Germany)

Narrative Construction of Identity
9:45 ABIKO Shin (HIJAS, Hosei Univerisyt, Japan)

Nishi Amane’s “Encyclopedia” and Japan as a horizon
10:45 HOSHINO Tsutomu (HIJAS, Hosei University, Japan)

Identity of Japan, located on the periphery of the world
11:30 Discussion of symposium “Why is Japan preoccupied with the question of its identity ?”

Moderator: ABIKO Shin